The Top 5 Articles of 2023

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As we bid farewell to another eventful year in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on the blog posts that captivated our readers the most in 2023. From cutting-edge technology implementations to the intricacies of post-pandemic design, our audience found a rich tapestry of engaging and informative topics on the blog this year. Let’s revisit the top five blog posts of 2023 – your definitive guide to the trends, tools, and transformations that are shaping our industry. 

1st Place: Eduardo Lazzarotto: Trends to Watch

By far our most popular post of the year was our SVP of Product and Strategy’s insightful article about the major developments shaping the AEC industry. He highlighted three key trends – including digitalization, decarbonization, and infrastructure investment – and the role of technology in supporting these areas. If you missed this the first time, it’s still incredibly relevant, as well as interesting.

2nd Place: 3 Ways to Raise BIM Quality for Optimum Buildability

Everyone knows that a high-quality BIM model leads to a high-quality build. But how can this quality be achieved? This useful article answers that question, providing three innovative ways to enhance BIM quality. It’s a must-read for anyone working with BIM in the AEC sector.

3rd Place: The New Twinmotion Direct Link in Allplan

It’s no surprise that this post was a hit with our readers – the ability to have real-time visualizations from right within Allplan was welcome news to many. Twinmotion, developed by Epic Games, is an advanced real-time visualization tool utilizing the Unreal Engine, which is well-known for its use in leading video games. Yet this technology is useful for more than just games – take a look and see for yourself.

4th Place: Post-pandemic: Singapore’s Tallest Building

8 Shenton Way is one of the first buildings to be built after the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as taking the crown for the tallest building in Singapore once it’s completed. If you’re wondering how a post-pandemic building differs from a pre-pandemic building, take a look at our fourth most popular article to find out.

5th Place: How NOVAM Benefits from Allplan and Design to Build

What is really interesting about developing software is discovering the myriad of ways that our customers use – and benefit from – our solutions. NOVAM Ingénierie, a French multidisciplinary engineering consultancy, explains why Allplan is their software of choice and how it keeps them one step ahead of the competition.

Looking Ahead

We hope that these top five posts have not only informed but also inspired you. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting in the AEC sector, there’s always something new to learn and explore. Stay tuned for another year of engaging, informative, and cutting-edge content on our blog. Here’s to a successful and innovative 2024!