Hotfix ALLPLAN 2022-1-7

Release notes (10/05/2022)


We edited and corrected various messages of Quality Reporter. As a result, ALLPLAN is more stable and reliable.

When sending a support request with hotinfo to the 'Precast Technical Support' team, this request is now sent to the correct email address.

The recovery of data has been improved.

The values for the system test were adjusted to the currently required values.

MSI Setup

You can install ALLPLAN on Windows Server again without any error message.


This hotfix updates the WIBU licensing of ALLPLAN.


AutoCAD interface

In certain cases, after exporting plans in DWG format, the building structure was deleted when opening a drawing file; this has now been fixed.


Opening certain issues created in Bimplus in ALLPLAN caused the program to crash; this has now been fixed.


In certain cases, loading defective general 3D solids caused the program to crash; this has now been fixed.


We have improved the display of the DTM in the plan layout for certain graphics cards.



When copying texts with text leaders across documents to a drawing file with a different reference scale, the text leaders are now displayed correctly.


Data conversion of radians created in ALLPLAN 2021 with very small values at the end of the dimension line is now correct.

Views and Sections

In certain cases, when displaying the clipping path, the clipping line and the direction symbol were displayed in construction line; this has now been fixed.


Copying architectural components across documents has been improved.

Modified openings with handles/input fields possible when construction mode is selected.

Unfinished structure

Modifications to door and window openings via the dialog box that result in the opening being outside the component are now no longer possible.

Transferring the properties of architectural components, such as walls with corner windows, slab openings or foundations, to other components of the same type using the 'Apply Archit. Component Properties' tool has been improved.


The quality of ALLPLAN was further improved by resolving received crash reports and traceable messages from the ALLPLAN Quality Manager.

Bar reinforcement

Bars with circular segments are now correctly transferred to the BVBS reinforcement interface file.

The radius of circular segments is now rounded to 1mm in the BVBS reinforcement interface file.

Mesh Reinforcement

When modifying the shape of bent-up meshes, you can now no longer exceed the maximum bending shape length.

You can now also pull out schemas of bent-up meshes when using the Shape Code Manager.

It will now be easier to move placed meshes from one drawing file to another via the clipboard.


We have updated the ‘ALLPLAN Bridge’ plug-in. DETAILS

Visual Scripting

We have enhanced the user interface and program in various places.

ALLPLAN International


We have improved the Shape Code Manager for bars with sleeves.

The label display of bar placements is now independent of whether the reinforcement model is loaded.