With the new 2008 version, the company's flagship product SCIA-ESA PT has been renamed Scia Engineer. The structural analysis software not only supports Eurocodes EN 1990 through 1995 for foundations, effects, concrete construction, steel construction, composite and timber construction, it covers all national additions as well. For example, among the new additions are the British steel construction standard BS5950 and the Spanish steel construction standard EAE: 2004. In addition, the new version makes it possible to analyze and check the design of aluminum structures according to EN 1999.
The test options for prestressed concrete have been expanded. It is now possible to automatically calculate the required anchorage lengths of prestressing bars, wires and strands while taking into account anchorage types and composite zones.
Interaction of CAD and structural analysis
Scia Engineer 2008 further improves the interaction with Allplan BIM 2008, also known as "Round-Trip Engineering". The software now also recognizes general 3D objects and interprets them automatically for structural analysis calculations or according to user specifications as rod, plate or shell structures.
Nemetschek Round-Trip Engineering enables an integrated workflow with CAD and structural analysis software. Users can easily transfer entire building models from the CAD system Allplan to the structural analysis software Scia Engineer and from there, automate the derivation of the structural analysis system. When changes are made, the software simply updates the load-bearing components. The structural analysis software lists the differences between the previous and the current status and represents them graphically. The user then decides which changes he wants to accept. Repeated manual entry of the structural analysis system is no longer required. This innovation links engineering and architectural design in an ideal manner and eliminates typical sources of error.
Freeform modeling and collision checks
The modeling functions in Scia Engineer 2008 have been significantly expanded. The newly developed freeform modeler enables users to create organic objects and objects with almost any shape. These shapes are either imported from other programs or entered directly into Scia Engineer. Users can take advantage of Boolean operators and extensive modifications options through grips to further edit objects. A collision check tool is among the software's new tools; with it, conflicts can be easily recognized. The new functions can also be used in interaction with Allplan BIM 2008.
Export as a 3D PDF file
Nemetschek Scia also profits from the partnership between Nemetschek AG and Adobe Systems Inc. The new PDF functions enable users to document the entire project clearly in a single PDF file. The PDF file can even contain three-dimensional displays of the structure that can be viewed interactively from any angle. Layers can be shown or hidden to attain a high degree of display clarity. In addition, numerous display options are available, such as hidden edges, cuts and transparent views. Users only need Adobe Reader - which is available at no cost - to view displays.
SCIA Engineer 2008 is available now as a multilingual version at authorized resellers.