Modern Reinforcement Technologies help save Time, Material, and Costs
The more comprehensive reinforcement technologies are a particular highlight, significantly helping to save time, material, and costs. For example, the software now supports the ERICO-LENTON threaded couplers and PEIKKO fixing technology for finished parts, in addition to the BAMTEC and HALFEN-DEHA solutions. With this content, specialist expertise can be accessed within the integrated Nemetschek solutions. The 2006 Generation therefore offers numerous improvements: from optimized workflow and improved plan layouts through to the inclusion of high-ductile reinforcing steel meshes.
In recent years, Nemetschek has invested heavily in the development of interfaces to perfect the connection of specialist solutions. These efforts are now bearing fruit, and the NOI developer interface can be extended practically without limits in Allplan 2006. Examples from civil engineering include the Allplan Steel Construction module, the improved integration with products for structural calculations and design from Friedrich + Lochner and SCIA, and the CADICS road construction solution.
Round-Trip Engineering – smoothly from CAD to Structural Analysis and Back
Round-trip engineering ensures optimum interplay between CAD, structural calculations, and structural dimensioning. In Allplan 2006, productivity can therefore be increased, the quality and consistency of design documents is improved, and work processes are more integrated. Time-consuming multiple entries, which are also more susceptible to errors, are a thing of the past with Nemetschek's integrated method. Design alternatives can therefore be analyzed and compared with reasonable effort. Component dimensions are optimized step by step, enabling you to design lightweight, efficient, and cost-saving structures.
Nemetschek has already perfected this new, forward-looking method for steel construction with a smooth interface to SCIA among other solutions. The next step will be to transfer this to the reinforced concrete sector.
Greater Efficiency in Day-to-Day Work
The benefit of a CAD system is also revealed by how efficiently it supports its users in individual, supposedly small work steps - leading to considerable time savings. The 2006 product generation offers numerous improvements. The improved object snap with the new track line and smoother data interchange and support for DWG, DXF, IFC, and PDF formats are features particularly worth mentioning. The same applies for the new features for shell design. Allplan 2006 provides associative views to replace the old views and sections modules. As a result, the benefits of model-oriented working can be fully exploited in another area of civil engineering.