01 Apr 2014

As of April of this year, there will be no more security or other updates or technical support for Windows XP. Microsoft Germany and NEMETSCHEK Allplan are entering into a cooperation to offer a technically forward-looking and financially attractive upgrade solution for architects and engineers who work with Windows XP. Dr. Jörg Rahmer, general manager of NEMETSCHEK Allplan, and Oliver Gürtler, head of the Windows division at Microsoft Germany, explain the reasons for discontinuing Windows XP and how users of the BIM software Allplan can modernize their IT landscape in the fastest possible way.

Mr. Gürtler, why was it necessary to discontinue Windows XP?
We have clearly defined, self-contained product life cycles to make the market term of products and product-related services transparent and to offer customers maximum planning reliability. The Windows XP operating system has already been a phase-out model for some time. This means that Microsoft will shortly provide neither security nor other updates or technical support for Windows XP.
What will the future consequences be for users of Windows XP?
Companies that continue to use Windows XP will have to accept considerable security risks. As a result of outdated security architectures in XP, attacks by viruses, spyware and malware are inevitable. This can lead to the loss of all personal and business documents. Companies therefore put not only their own data, but also that of their customers and partners at risk.

And what are the advantages for users to upgrade to a more recent Windows version?
Windows 8.1 offers users a modern working environment. Users can work more quickly and efficiently and have not only reliable protection but also good support, including automatic security and system updates. With Windows 8.1, companies benefit from the technical developments of the past 10 years: That means more mobility, productivity and flexibility as well as support for new types of PCs such as touch PCs and tablets.

Dr. Rahmer, how will the discontinuation of Windows XP affect the users of Allplan solutions?
NEMETSCHEK Allplan has already informed its users about the Windows problem. We can assure architects and engineers who work with Allplan on Windows XP that the BIM solution Allplan will continue to be a secure software.

Does that mean that you think it is completely unnecessary to change operating systems?
On the contrary: I agree with Mr. Gürtler’s argument that a changeover to a modern operating system is an important and advisable investment in the future of any architecture or engineering office. Anyone who wants to stay ahead in the highly competitive AEC sector must also be up-to-date in terms of hardware and software. To continue to use a “phaseout model” would in my opinion not be a farsighted company decision. Our current Allplan version 2014 doesn’t support Windows XP either.

What do you advise Allplan users who want to switch to a more recent operating system?
A change-over will function most easily if an architecture or engineering office is already intending to modernize its computer landscape anyway. We advise our users who still work with Windows XP to contact an IT systems house recommended by us, which can put together a computer and operating system package tailored to individual needs and optimally adapted to the requirements of our latest CAD software. We can supplement this package with a special upgrade offer to Allplan 2014, about which we will be publishing more information soon. A company will then work with the latest hardware, operating system and software. For users, this means their and their customers’ data will again be protected by a modern security architecture, and compatibility problems with the planning partners’ software will be minimized. Architects and engineers will also benefit from many new functions in Allplan 2014, which will make their work processes even more efficient.

For more information, see www.allplan.com/de/windowsxp

Nemetschek Allplan Systems GmbH

Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich, Germany

Press contact
Svenja Sternheimer

Tel. +49 (0)89-92793-1050
Fax +49 (0)89-92793-5300


About Nemetschek Allplan
Nemetschek Allplan, with headquarters in Munich/Germany, is one of Europe's leading BIM (Building Information Modeling) solution providers. A wholly owned subsidiary of Nemetschek AG, Nemetschek Allplan develops powerful software for architects, structural/civil engineers, contractors and facility managers. The core product Allplan provides a flexible and efficient toolset for the seamless planning of visionary architecture and innovative engineering projects. Currently available in 19 languages worldwide, Allplan covers every usage level of a BIM focused CAD system: from straightforward 2D drawings to 3D modeling including quantity take off and cost calculation. It also supports the OpenBIM initiative and the IFC standard to assure interoperability throughout the building life cycle. Further information is available at www.allplan.com and www.allplan.com/bim.

Press contact


Janet Kästner
Tel.: +49 89 927 93-1301
