Germany/Munich, September 3, 2012 – Allplan Serviceplus impresses with personal advice, competence and many services relating to the CAD program Allplan − as confirmed by the results of the current customer satisfaction survey. More than 700 German Allplan users with a Software Service agreement rated the Serviceplus services in June 2012: 87 percent are very satisfied.
"I think the biggest advantage of Serviceplus is the direct contact with Nemetschek Allplan. We can clarify our issues directly and at any time. It doesn't matter if it's a simple question relating to program operation or a complex task such as area calculation," says Andreas Baum, architect and managing partner at baum-kappler architekten.
The procedures in architecture and planning companies are becoming more complex; now, more than ever, an integrated process flow is required that enables all those involved to work together hand in hand. With Serviceplus, Allplan offers the perfect combination of software and services.
Completely component-oriented project processing not only requires the latest software to be installed on all work stations; every user must also be able to take advantage of the technical support – in particular for challenging tasks or in time-critical competitions. The survey clearly confirms this: 81 percent of users use technical support multiple times per year; 16.5 percent of them several times a month. The technical support services, assessed by the options "Satisfaction with the solution" or "Competence of the support staff", meet user expectations and were rated as "very good" to "good".
Around 85 percent of those surveyed are logged on to the online customer portal Allplan Connect. In addition to downloading current software versions, the majority of users use Allplan Connect to download objects and textures.
Customers also appreciate support through a wide-area network of sales partners: Most of those participating in the survey gave top marks for the technical competence of their sales partner, response times for inquiries and training offerings.
For more information on Serviceplus, see here
Attachment: Graphic "87 percent of users would recommend Serviceplus"
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About Nemetschek Allplan
Nemetschek Allplan Systems GmbH (formerly: Nemetschek Allplan GmbH), with headquarters in Munich, is a leading European vendor of software for the design and management of buildings. As a one-hundred percent subsidiary of Nemetschek AG, the company develops intelligent IT solutions for architects, engineers, building contractors and facility managers. The flagship product, Allplan, is the platform for Building Information Modeling (BIM) and provides optimum support for the seamless process of designing and constructing buildings with regard to quality, costs and time. The software is currently used in 18 languages around the world. Allplan covers all levels of a modern CAD system: from simple 2D drafting and 3D design to object-oriented building modeling with cost determination and quantity takeoff. For more information, visit