"With these quarterly figures and good business at the end of the year, we are confident of closing the whole year successfully. Our aim is to significantly increase sales revenue compared to last year, and achieve substantially improved earnings," said CEO Gerhard Weiß.
Clear increase in sales once again
In the first nine months, the Nemetschek Group's sales of 74.8 million euros exceeded the previous year's figure of 69.5 million euros by 7.7 %. The third quarter contributed to this development with sales of 24.1 million euros (+8.0 %, previous year: 22.4 million euros). The Design business unit performed particularly well, with an increase in sales of around 10 %, which was primarily due to organic growth. The Multimedia and Manage business units also saw significant improvements.
Sustained growth abroad
Foreign business, which makes up 58.3 % of total sales, generated a total of 43.7 million euros (previous year: 37.0 million euros). This corresponds to a rise of 18.0 % compared to the same period of the previous year, due on the one hand to the acquisition of the Belgian SCIA International NV, and on the other to strong growth at NEMETSCHEK NORTH AMERICA, the Maxon Group, and Nemetschek France SARL, in particular. Sales in Germany were 31.2 million euros, compared to 32.4 million euros in the previous year. Adjusted to take account of the sale of acadGraph, this represents growth of 6.4 %. This is due to the Multimedia and Manage business units on the one hand, and on the other is a reflection of the good development of the Design business unit in Germany.
Net earnings for the year increase by 43 %
The operating profit in the third quarter was 2.5 million euros (previous year: 1.8 million euros), 38.2 % higher than the previous year's figure. In the first three quarters of 2006, Nemetschek achieved operating profit of 9.6 million euros, compared to 7.0 million euros in the previous year (+ 38.8 %). The Design business unit made a significant contribution to this result (+ 2.1 million euros). The Manage and Multimedia business units also achieved clear improvements in earnings.
In the first nine months, the net earnings increased by 43.2 % to 7.9 million euros. The earnings per share were 0.80 euros, compared to 0.56 euros in the same period of the previous year.
Further acquisitions planned
The cash flow for the period increased to 11.9 million euros (previous year: 9.9 million euros). Cash flow from operating activities almost doubled, and was 15.8 million euros, compared with 7.9 million euros in the same period of the previous year. The equity capital is 48.8 million euros (December 31, 2005: 48.1 million euros). This corresponds to a very good equity ratio of 57.3 % (December 31, 2005: 59.5 %). Liquid assets amounted to 27,0 million euros. "This again reveals Nemetschek's strong financial situation. We have an excellent financial basis for future growth and investment," said CEO Gerhard Weiß. This provides the opportunity for acquisitions, as the managing board had already announced. Weiß: "We want to complete at least one more acquisition before the end of the year." The complete 9-month report to September 30, 2006 will be published on November 10, 2006.