Hotfix ALLPLAN 2025-0-3

Release notes (01/22/2025)


Thanks to several edits and corrected messages in the Quality Reporter, ALLPLAN now is even more stable.

With a remote desktop connection, you can now also select additional elements by pressing the CTRL key.

The Quality Reporter has been improved and enhanced for better analysis.


Despite an existing Internet connection, the connection to the license server was temporarily lost; this has now been improved.



When creating slope supports, only angles > 1 degree are now possible.

When using an edge blocker, the road profile is now generated correctly.

The snap function in the axis editor now ignores the z-coordinate of a 3D object.

If a limit or override value influences the width of the shoulder, the shoulder angle is now applied correctly.



With the 'Layout and Project Attributes' tool, you can now set the project attributes even if you do not have administrator rights in the work group.

Invalid project locks by users are now filtered to prevent projects from being inaccessible.

IFC Interface

During IFC export, the correct default storage location is used again when saving the drawing file selection as a favorite.

When importing Bamtec reinforcement, the roll-out direction and carpet label were not imported; this has now been fixed.


For certain 3D bodies, the initial assignment of undefined attributes was not saved; this has now been fixed.

When a 'backslash' is used in a rule according to the IDS standard, it is now interpreted correctly.



The 'Stairs - complete evaluation' and 'Ceiling' reports have been improved.

User interface

For a large number of layers, the layer assignment was lost when updating from Allplan 2024 to ALLPLAN 2025; this has now been fixed.

When working with large coordinates, the data was displayed in reference drawing files at point zero; this has now been fixed.

The Actionbar configuration can now also be saved if there are several task areas with identical names in the 'Plug-ins' task.

The same names are now used for sub-elements in the information palette as in the object palette.

Sorting by user-defined attributes is displayed correctly again in the object palette.


Measuring the inclination of 3D lines works correctly again.

In certain cases, creating splines led to a program crash; this has now been fixed.


The last reference point could not be changed for dimension lines; this has now been fixed.

User-Defined Objects

Smart symbols

When creating smart symbols, the attributes assigned to the object are retained.


The performance of the animation display has been improved.


Some minor errors have been fixed in the Python API.

Views and Sections

The display of built-in parts in views and sections through the respective 2D foil has been improved.

If sections and section objects are copied together, all objects are now displayed in the copied sections.


Unfinished structure

For OpeningParts for windows, mullions were not displayed; this has now been fixed.

When creating ceilings, pen/line/color were always used by the layer; this has now been fixed.

When multi-modifying doors and windows, only the attributes of an OpeningPart were changed; this has now been fixed.

When creating a niche without prompting the opening width, the width is now created correctly again when the clicked reference point is changed.

When using the tool 'Split Surface Elements, Archit. Elements', the labels of the ceiling openings were lost; this has now been fixed.

The shortcut menu for block foundations and floor slabs is the same as in the previous version.

The height of multi-layer ceilings can now be changed using the 'Change Archit. Properties' tool.


When using the 'Redefine Rooms, Surfaces, Stories' tool, the attributes are adjusted correctly again.


OpeningParts and SmartParts that are already installed in door or window openings can now be used for the façade.


The format property from Layer is now correctly adopted for the individual components of the railing.


The quality of ALLPLAN has been further improved by rectifying incoming crash reports and traceable messages from the ALLPLAN Quality Manager.

Bar reinforcement

After labeling a placement via the shortcut menu, in certain cases the placement to be labeled was not selected when the tool 'Dimension Line, Label' was subsequently called up; this has now been fixed.


In certain cases, data was deleted after creating sleeves by reversing the process; this has now been fixed.

Precast Elements

Synchronization of the cross-section catalog with the diameter catalog has been improved.

List generation

Individual sheets and the measurement sheets yielded different steel weights; this has now been fixed.

Special customer lists have been adapted.


The 'ALLPLAN Civil' plugin has been updated. Details