Hotfix ALLPLAN 2024-0-3

Release notes (01/17/2024)


Thanks to several edits and corrected messages in the Quality Reporter, ALLPLAN now is even more stable.

The hidden representation with older AMD graphics cards has been improved.



Saving ALLPLAN Share projects now also works without error for very large projects.

GIS Connector

The 'Write ref. point to project offset' option is temporarily no longer available when moving the reference point to 0.0, as in certain cases the selection did not achieve the desired result.

IFC Interface

When exporting individual roof elements, the name is now copied over.

Inclined surfaces on niches are now transferred correctly on export.


In certain cases, shortcuts stopped working after calling the 'Print Preview' function; we have solved this problem.


Multiple modifications to text are now possible again.

User-Defined Objects

Label styles

In certain cases, an incorrect value was determined with the label style '6 Room Label / 17 Room Liv. Spa.' at a scale of 1:100; we have solved this problem.

Smart symbols

Matching of macros from passive drawing files has been improved.


In certain cases, the rails were not placed correctly for sliding doors; we have solved this problem.


Parsing 3D polygons into individual lines has been improved.


We have made several improvements to the PythonParts for 'Wall Forming'.

PythonParts examples and documentation have been improved and expanded.

In certain cases, it was not possible to generate a curved tendon placement; we have solved this problem.

Views and Sections

In certain cases, labels in the model are deleted when removing elements in views and sections; we have solved this problem.


Unfinished structure

When repeatedly modifying an opening with a SmartPart, the operator between the label and the SmartPart was lost; we have solved this problem.

It is now once again possible to match openings with multiple SmartParts from the wizards.


Matching parameters of a room group from the wizards has been improved.


Bar reinforcement

Rotating sections in which unplaced bars have been generated has been improved.

Precast Elements

Special customer lists have been adjusted.


We have updated the 'ALLPLAN Bridge' plug-in. Details