11:10 – 11:25 & 05:10 – 05:25

Automating with PythonParts: A Truss Model Example



About the Speakers


Joe Brenner, P.E., Regional Technical Manager – BIM for Bridges, Michael Baker International, USA

Joe Brenner has worked as a bridge engineer for over 15 years on a wide-range of projects in many states and has worked extensively with 3D bridge models making presentations on this topic at many events. He is proficient in many BIM/modeling software platforms in order to leverage the best application for this progressive approach in project-specific situations. He is also currently working to deliver Michigan DOT’s first bridge pilot project for digital delivery and on the PennDOT OpenBridge Designer Development to develop workspace, test models, and training courses in support of the Planless 2025 initiative. Joe has also been active in national research to move this initiative forward as part of the team delivering FHWA BIM for Bridges projects and IFC task force evaluations, and he is currently leading a task group as part of the team delivering the AASHTO Transportation Pooled Fund on BIM for Infrastructure, TPF-5(480).


Hanjin Hu, Ph.D. P.E., Senior Bridge Engineer, Michael Baker International, USA

Hanjin Hu is a bridge engineer with Michael Baker International focusing on bridge software development and BIM for bridges. Through his time at MBI, he has been working on developing AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating (BrDR), a comprehensive tool for bridge design review and load rating. His skills include Finite Element Analysis of steel, reinforced and post-tensioned concrete bridges, optimization of algorithms for bridge analysis, and bridge data exchange based on the IFC schema. He has accomplished multiple FHWA and NCHRP research projects about BIM for bridges and structures. He serves as a journal reviewer for various civil engineering journals.