Year in Review: The Top 5 Articles of the Year

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As 2019 comes to a close, we’d like to look back on our readers’ favorite articles of the year. This year has seen Building Information Modeling (BIM) become more widely used and understood within the AEC industry and expand into areas like cost estimating. We’ve also seen stunning and unique architecture using traditional materials in new ways to create much-needed homes. From BIM to bricks, here are our readers’ top picks from the ALLPLAN blog.

1st Place: 5 Top Tips for Construction Planning and Execution

BIM is no longer just about designing buildings more efficiently, it’s also become a valuable tool for managing and planning the construction process. This article was popular with readers for providing insights into why BIM benefits contractors and the practical applications of using BIM for construction.

2nd Place: BIM for Cost Estimating

Our second most-read article is all about how BIM has expanded from design into cost estimating, showing our readers’ interest in leveraging the power of BIM and historic project data for accurate cost forecasting.

3rd Place: 10 3D Modeling and BIM Facts That Support Engineering Delivery

While BIM is becoming the common method of project delivery, readers were still keen to fully understand all the ways that BIM can help ensure that projects are delivered on time and to budget. From reducing the impact of scope changes to streamlining design processes, readers were interested in how BIM helps deliver accurate, high-quality projects more quickly, efficiently, and effectively.

4th Place: Architecture from the Tube

One of the most unusual and unique pieces of architecture this year was one architect’s vision for using concrete pipes to create homes in Hong Kong, which captured readers’ interest. With urban populations increasing, finding ways to create sustainable, space-saving homes is a hot topic amongst readers.

5th Place: Modern Brick Architecture: The Brick in a New Guise

The humble brick is being used in innovative new ways thanks to new manufacturing and construction processes. Readers were inspired and intrigued by the many different aesthetically pleasing arrangements that can be achieved using this time-tested material.

Looking Ahead

What will 2020 hold for architecture, engineering, and construction? While that remains to be seen, you can be sure that the most interesting, exciting, and innovative developments and stories will be here on the ALLPLAN blog.