5 selected tools for project management in the architect’s office

reading time 4 min

Efficient project management saves time and costs. A whole range of tools can support architect’s offices with this task. The programs differ in their focus and in terms of the integrated apps and features. Some are specially tailored to the construction sector, others can be used in different professions at any level.



Important preliminary considerations

If you would like to introduce a new software for project management in your architect’s office a few preliminary considerations are necessary:

What requirements should the software meet? Interfaces with cloud storage systems, integrated e-mails or reporting?

Where should the focus be? On task planning, communication, document management, time management or a complete solution?

What budget is available?

We present five tools below which put the focus on various features.

1. Project management with planio

The software planio developed in Berlin represents a total solution. The focus is on project planning and communication as well as time management, knowledge management and document management. Architects can define priorities, deadlines and responsibilities for every task. The roles and rights of the individual project participants can be determined individually. For recurring tasks it is possible to set up and standardize workflows. The projects are in the cloud and accessible and editable at any time using a computer, tablet or smartphone.

2. Mobile construction diary with pro-report

For coordination of meetings on the building site, for the logging of defects and drawing up of construction diaries this is the ideal mobile solution. It is compatiblewith the latest Windows versions and with iPad, iPhone and Android. Operation of pro-Report takes place primarily using a pen/stylus or your finger. Architects and planners can specify which project participants and firms are present. The construction schedule provides a precise actual and ideal state. Other features include catalogues of acceptance and defects for different areas of construction and also hazard catalogues. In addition, you can store photos, videos and voice-annotated notes.

3.Easy logging with iProt

Countless discussions are conducted during a construction project, in person or by phone. In order to maintain the overview a data-logging software can help. You can use it to save notes on discussions and send records to all discussion partners by e-mail. All data is managed centrally. iProt has a special feature: the continuous history. This allows you to have the entire history of the project in view. It concerns a web-based solution. You simply need access to the Internet and a browser.


4. Efficient time-recording system with mite

In order to plan and cost projects realistically time is one one of the most important aspects. How long do individual work steps take? 30 minutes? Four hours? Two days? The web-based software mite enables time recording in two ways: Either enter manually your work hours for the particular task or run the stopwatch. From all the data that is collected the software generates overviews and reports which you can share with your colleagues or even your customers in the architect’s office.


5.Enhanced communication with Basecamp

A key aspect in project management is communication between the different partners: Architects, engineers, manufacturers, construction companies and builders. The software Basecamp focuses precisely on this element. You can conveniently manage tasks and deadlines. You also have the possibility of creating notes, sharing data with other people and conducting online discussions .


Beta-Phase is an effective solution

Before you equip your architect’s office with new software, put together a small team who asBeta-Users test out the programme and analyze the benefits and disadvantages. Based on this you can decide which tool is best suited to your project management and in the process keep an eye on your time and your costs.