(More) Sustainability at ALLPLAN

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ALLPLAN has long been helping to make construction projects more sustainable. Now the company also wants to become more sustainable itself through extensive measures.

Construction is one of the most important industries of all, but at the same time it is unfortunately also one of the most damaging to the climate and the environment. Ecological sustainability and climate-neutral - or better yet - positive construction are therefore the order of the day. With its various design tools, ALLPLAN has always helped to make building more efficient and thus more resource-efficient and sustainable. However, since consistent sustainability does not just start with the product, the Nemetschek subsidiary now wants to take various measures to also become more sustainable as a company. These include continuous monitoring of its own carbon footprint, the development of a climate roadmap and conversion of the ALLPLAN headquarters in Munich.

Monitoring the CO2 footprint

Self-awareness is the first step to improvement. That's why ALLPLAN has had its carbon footprint measured continuously since 2019. The company is supported by a software that "taps into", interprets and evaluates various data sources from a company, such as accounting, ERP or travel booking systems. Based on this, the tool calculates an initial footprint, which then achieves ever greater precision by adding further data sources. This includes, for example, regular employee surveys on commuting behavior. In order to see exactly where CO2 emissions are lagging behind, the results are broken down into three different scopes according to the GHG (Greenhouse Gas Protocol) protocol. The good news: ALLPLAN's footprint in 2019 was already 26.2 percent below the benchmark for IT companies in Germany.

Climate roadmap

From self-awareness to improvement: together with a Berlin-based start-up - Global Changer - ALLPLAN has drawn up a climate roadmap to achieve climate neutrality in the near future. To this end, two sets of measures are to be implemented. The first consists of measures to successively reduce the company's own CO2 emissions. These include a sustainable company vehicle fleet with electric vehicles and e-charging stations, measurements for waste separation, optimization of the BIOS settings of office computers, drinks from sustainable sources and paperless travel expense reports.

The second consists of measures for CO2 compensation. These include cooperative ventures with organizations such as Treedom, which operate reforestation projects around the world and thus contribute to CO2 sequestration from the atmosphere. In addition, unavoidable flights have already been and will continue to be offset by similar measures.

Conversion of ALLPLAN headquarters

The conversion of the ALLPLAN headquarters in Munich according to plans by blocher partners will also make an important contribution to reducing the active CO2 footprint. Among other things, the energy concept is to be optimized - for example, through more efficient lighting. Current furniture, materials, technology, etc. will also be reused in the new offices wherever possible.