5 ways to more productivity in planning

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There is only one way out of the poor construction economy: more productivity. ALLPLAN 2023 offers five effective ways to achieve this goal.

With the energy crisis, many things have become more expensive – some of them worryingly so. This includes construction. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, prices for new residential construction increased by an annual average of 16.4 percent in 2022 compared to the previous year. There has never been a higher figure since such price changes began to be surveyed in 1958. Unsurprisingly, building permits consequently also fell sharply (5.7 percent). Now, the AEC industry can do very little to change the price of energy-intensive materials. What it can do, however, is increase its efficiency. ALLPLAN 2023 offers five ways to increase productivity and improve quality in design.

1. Making the right decisions with design to build

Design to build with ALLPLAN means that architects and engineers have all the tools and information they need to make the right decisions in the design phase. This includes the ability to consider construction methods and manufacturing processes at an earlier stage. For example, accurate quantity takeoff makes it easier to estimate costs. Powerful modeling, visualization, and cloud-based collaboration and reporting functions, in turn, enable optimal coordination between project participants.

For general contractors or developers, on the other hand, design to build means a continuous loss-free data flow across all service phases. The BIM model can be used throughout the entire construction phase and enriched with additional information such as lean scheduling, construction site planning, or extended safety aspects. Numerous new functions are also available in prefabrication (precast and steel structure design) in ALLPLAN 2023.

2. Increased planning efficiency thanks to automated processes

Architects and engineers are increasingly required to achieve more with fewer resources; for example, when it comes to designing load-bearing structures or implementing complex architectural concepts. One way to greatly accelerate planning processes is to continuously identify and automate recurring work steps. While this used to be technically demanding, ALLPLAN 2023 provides new options for developing your own solutions quickly and easily. Using visual scripting, even planners without programming knowledge can automate workflows or create intelligent objects and thus gain a competitive advantage.

Thanks to the integration of numerous functions for precast design in ALLPLAN 2023, engineering offices and precast plants can now also design precast concrete elements of any complexity directly in ALLPLAN. ALLPLAN automatically creates element plans for production. The combination of Planbar and ALLPLAN not only simplifies project coordination, but also enables new, more efficient workflows.

New functions in reinforcement planning also help to reliably complete recurring tasks in a short time. For example, ALLPLAN can now be used to reinforce several columns or walls at once.

3. Using slow periods to develop BIM competence

It is not just the right tools that are crucial for the success of a project, but also the correct application of the methodology. When awarding planning contracts, proof of BIM competence in the form of a professional certification is therefore increasingly required. Thanks to the multi-level BIM training concept of ALLPLAN, which is based on the Professional Certification Program of buildingSMART, offices can professionally develop the BIM competence of their employees.

The new e-learning platform ALLPLAN LEARN NOW, which was launched at the end of last year, offers online learning content on ALLPLAN and partner products, enabling self-directed learning. The Start-Now lessons have been specifically designed for new ALLPLAN users. They lead leaners step by step through a complete project: from the user interface and project organization to the creation of the 3D model, reports, and plan output.

4. Use point cloud technology for thermal refurbishment

The extensive renovation program of the Ministry of Climate Protection will be continued this year. Its focus is on the thermal refurbishment of existing buildings. The funding rates have increased from a maximum of 30 percent to a maximum of 50 percent.

Working with point clouds is a great advantage for refurbishment projects, as they provide a holistic picture of the building stock – no dimension is forgotten. As a result, there are fewer errors in renovation planning and lower risks during the construction phase. ALLPLAN 2023 can handle even large point clouds easily by processing them directly on the graphics card.

5. Impress customers with perfect renderings

Nothing creates a more compelling presentation and better understood project than a visual simulation with high-quality renderings. With ALLPLAN 2023, the powerful visualization options have once again been comprehensively enhanced. For example, visualization effects are now also available throughout the animation as well as with Realtime Render and CineRender. In addition, the new LiveSync interface enables a real-time connection to external visualization solutions such as Lumion.